What is Data Fabric

Data Fabric consolidates data management into a single environment to manage different data sources and technologies within facilities and cloud environments. Data Fabric provides a unified, consistent data management framework that enables seamless data access and processing without silo storage. It builds on a variety of data management features to ensure consistency in your integrated environments.

With comprehensive data management capabilities that ensure consistency in your integrated environments, you can monitor storage costs, performance, efficiency, and usage habits wherever your data and applications reside. A data fabric is an agnostic of the delivery platform on which the data is processed, how it is used, the architectural approach, and the geography that integrates with the core capabilities. Each user data point in the fabric captures detailed information and transactions and derives multiple insights that help organizations use their data to grow, adapt and improve.

A data fabric is simply a single environment consisting of a unified architecture and the services and technologies based on it, an architecture that helps organizations manage their data. In short, it is an architecture that helps a company manage its data. A web of data weaves data from internal silos and external sources into an information network that drives your business, applications and analytics.

A data fabric is a mixture of architectures and technologies created to facilitate the complexity of operating many different types of data through the use of multiple database and management systems that are deployed on a variety of platforms. Think of it as a network that spanned a vast network and connects multiple locations and types of data sources, whether in the ground, public cloud or elsewhere, with a variety of methods for accessing, processing, moving, managing and storing data within the limits of the data fabric.

A data fabric uses continuous analysis and existing discoverable and derived metadata to support the design, deployment and use of integrated and reusable data environments including hybrid and multi-cloud platforms.

Data Fabric enables applications and tools that access data to use many interfaces, such as NFS (Network File System), POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface), REST APIs (RESTECT), Representative State Transfer (HDFS), Hadoop Distributed File System (ODBC) and Open Database Connectivity (Apache Kafka) for real-time data streaming.

For example, supply chain leaders can use Data Fabric to supplement familiar relationships with suppliers with emerging data without production delays, delays that can improve decisions about new data, new suppliers, and new customers

The sheer number of applications, platforms and data types makes it difficult or impossible to manage and manage processing, access, security and integration across multiple platforms or platforms. Try to imagine a large piece of a hypothetical fabric that expands the theoretical space to connect multiple data points and locations (including the cloud) of all types of structured and unstructured data, as well as methods for accessing and analyzing them.